Early Dessert
spread |

Early Dessert spread,
with Scott, KG4HIE
checking food out |

Early Dessert spread,
with Scott, KG4HIE
checking food out |

Seated Barbara, KK4HWH,
and Pete, KK4HWI
Standing Micheal, WB4WDE |

Dean, KM4ZMK
the sun |

Dean, KM4ZMK |

Jimmy, W4EOZ |

Marcia, KC4MLB
Suzie, KG4YVJ and Bert, KB4ERT
in background |

Ben, KB2KCO and family
Suzie, KG4YVJ and
Bert, KB4ERT in background |

Abb, KG4AQH, seated
and Donald, KB4RRC |

Rusty, WD4HEM
with Ben, KB2KCO and family |