General Picnic Information

The annual PALSNet ASSOCIATION meeting will be at the annual PALSNet Two Meter picnic.  The Picnic is always held on the LAST SATURDAY of September.  At the 2023 PALSNet Picnic, it was decided to to move the 2024 PALSNet Picnic to Arrowhead Park in Cheraw due to it's improved facilities for Handicapped access.

The Picnic is open to all Amateurs, their families and other people interested.  It is NOT restricted to PALSNet Association members, any one is welcome.  The picnic is a family style affair, where we put what everyone brings on the table and sample a little of everthing.  We try to have everything on the table by 12 Noon.  Please join us and enjoy the fun, fellowship, and company of Amateurs from all over South Carolina and North Carolina.

The Twenty-third Annual Ham Picnic will be held at Arrowhead Park in Cheraw on September 28, 2024.    Pictures from past year's picnics are available for your enjoyment.  
